Otter’s Perfect Day

posted in: Otter Boyd | 2

Otter Boyd boy walking through snow with frosted treesSome people around here say I get into a little bit too much mischief every day. I’ve decided to prove them wrong! Today is my perfect day, a day to not have any accidents, not bother anyone, or break, mess or lose anything. I can only be perfectly good and nice.

I thought it would be very difficult and at first it was. I couldn’t find a matching pair of socks, mittens or boots. I’m not sure if my clothes came from the clean pile or the dirty pile. I had a little incident in the kitchen and then lost my winter hat somewhere between the front door and the driveway.

But once I got going I discovered having a perfect day really wasn’t tough as it sounds. I went for a perfect walk in the forest around the house, in perfect snow, and saw lots of perfectly nice trees. I even stopped to take some perfect photos. I think I’ll use this one as a perfect postcard and new cover photo for my page.

It took every bit of my focus and effort to stay on task for such a long time but having a perfect day was actually kind of fun. I feel exhausted but perfectly satisfied that I reached my goal. With that challenge behind me it’s time to go back inside to see if anyone is awake yet so we can get on with breakfast.

I can’t wait to tell everyone how good I was today. I should also remind everyone to stay away from the microwave for a while – or maybe forever. In the little incident earlier this morning I discovered the microwave is seriously faulty. I’m pretty sure I just wanted boiled eggs but the microwave suddenly decided to make them scrambled.

The egg bomb explosion might have spoiled my perfect day but I took care of it. I brought the two hungry cats in from the garden, lead them to the open microwave and left the ravenous creatures to lick up everything. I bet by now the microwave looks perfect.

Dad will be so pleased when he sees how clean the microwave is. And he’ll be even more pleased when he finds out that we have cats now. Perfect cats that arrived at the perfect time to help complete my perfect day.

I hope you have a perfect day too!


2 Responses

  1. Min

    Oh these Otter stories are so enjoyable – had such a laugh at the finale of this lovely story.

  2. Cheekiweeki

    Otter, you certainly are a proper minx and you don’t even have your scarf or hat on out in all that snow! The scenery looks beautiful too. Knowing your tendency to get into trouble, I thought you were going to say that you ‘forgot’ and closed the door of the Microwave when the cats were in there eating the eggs. Oh my oh my, that would have been a worry. What is real fun is to have baked beans on toast. Put the beans on a plate and cook in the microwave. It makes a nice bit of noise so that you know they are getting warm. Do it for a surprise for your Dad – he will love you for being so thoughtful.

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