Painting Of A Boy Skiing In Winter Snow

posted in: Art | 1

painting of a boy skiing in winter snowWe are under a blanket of deep snow and ski season is in full swing in Muskoka Ontario. This watercolor and gouache painting of a boy skiing depicts one of the winter activities we can enjoy in the snow covered north country. I painted the artwork for a series of art cards which were sold to raise funds for a charity fundraiser during the Christmas season. Doing the paintings, drawings and illustrations is good practice for the art I’d like to create for the Otter Boyd story book. I’ve experimented with various mediums and painting styles and have decided this type of artwork would be most fitting for a story set in the early 20th century. The art is created in the same style, methods and mediums as were used in children’s book art and illustrations from that time.

I hope the story itself will transport the reader to an earlier time and that the artwork will work in harmony with that feeling and have the same effect too. In this example however the little boy skier is wearing a modern snowsuit and skis so the painting has a more current rather than vintage feel. If Otter were to go skiing in his story he wouldn’t be able to enjoy the warm and waterproof high-tech modern fabrics. It would be all scratchy old wool, hypothermia and frostbite for him but he’d find a way to turn that into a fun adventure anyway!

  1. Cheekiweeki

    Lovely picture OB, the rosy cheeks and muffled up warm and cozy little boy reflects the total enjoyment that this guy is having. Best of luck in your fund raising.

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